Saturday, September 5, 2009



We are often confused by decisions and choices we have to make, which, at that time, seemed the most important thing in the world. While some people love the idea of having unlimited choices, for others, it feels so overwhelming they want to run away.

Have you ever allowed yourself to be mesmerised as you wend your way through the supermarket? There you are a grown man or woman trying to make your mind up, avidly reading - but not really seeing - what is on the labels.

Such is your confusion you feel you want to join the kid in the other isle, sitting on the floor bawling his head off, you wish someone would just hand you that stupid packet of soup mix or some other treasure you have wasted the last ten minutes gazing at.

Put simply, when it comes to what you really want to do, or how you want to do it, you have no alternative but to expand your choices, so taking a little time to brainstorm can open your world to greater possibilities and create options you never knew existed.

For something as significant as how you spend your time, it's worth looking at several choices. Query why something is important to you, ask yourself a question maybe along the lines of: ‘What am I passionate about?’ Do this several times and see if you get on a deeper level of why something is important to you. Then ask why.

What if you can't answer the question about what your passion is - is that word too strong for you? Look a bit deeper and explore the angles. What gives you the most satisfaction? What are your natural gifts? What would you like to know more about? Is it Cooking; gardening , painting, writer or whatever?

It all depends on you, you do have a wide array of choices before you, so right now, isn’t it time to figure out what you are really hungry for?
